From Patchouli to Prada (Clooney’s “mystery” girl?)


*Broadcast Temporarily Interrrupted*
I can understand that some may have chosen to add malicious attacks and comments under this article but I don’t plan to respond to them, unless of course they are directed towards me and then…I might, because then it’s just funny.  You may feel that my intentions in this article may have been dishonorable at best, but I wish no ill will towards anyone.
Sarah may have rubbed me the wrong way at times but I have no negative feelings towards her, believe it or not.  I wasn’t going to come out here like Capt. Save-a-ho and write an article defending random attacks by strangers on the internet when I wrote it, but I was trying to humanize this rampant frenzy to search out her history and to stabilize it if I could.  I tried to show her in the truthful light of someone that everyone could be familiar with.  No need to turn her into a GOD or to turn her into a DEMON.  She’s just a regular ass human, and guess what?….so is George Clooney
If you are tremendously hurt or inspired by anything either of them do that is broadcasted through the media which paints them in either light, the only real problems that you have do not come from these people, who you will never likely come in contact with in real life, it comes for your own issues.  There’s a show for that, it’s called Dr. Phil.  Sorry they cancelled Lilith Fair.

I will not censor your comments, I am against that fully, but don’t expect me to feed into them either, positively or negatively.  Maybe another mistake on my part is that I am failing to remove this article, but I do take great time and effort to compose my articles and thoughts and I view them as my own form of art.  Words to me are something that I can form and something that I can create or express with, even if I can’t afford a $2,500 wacom tablet or expensive musical equipment.  If you think my writing is shit…that’s cool.  I think most film today is shit and most of the celebrities that people worship are talentless hacks.  This is my forum which you are welcome to visit and comment on as you see fit.  That’s all that it is; that and a forum for friends of mine whose views that I respect. I hope people are enjoying it.  Maybe you’ll enjoy another article, maybe you don’t give a fuck.  Either way thanks for visiting and I appreciate your time.
Now that I’ve said that, you are very welcome to continue
I woke up Saturday morning when my phone rang at 9:13 pacific standard time.  It was a message from my friend KB Smooth texting me from Rhode Island.  The message said Sarah Larson is dating George Clooney…” I got up and went to my computer.  I searched on line to find pictures of Sarah and Clooney at a celebrity coctail party in Venice for the release of his new film Michael Clayton, where they were hanging out with Spike Lee, Bill Murray, and Richard Gere.  Everything else that I found on the internet about her dating Clooney, refers to her as a “mystery girl“.  No one seems to know anything about her except her name and age (28) but they seem to be searching frantically.  Some refer to her as a possible “Go-Go dancer” but without confirmation.  I don’t understand the intense interest, but I can say one thing; she’s not much of a fucking mystery.  I’ve known her since she was 10.

sarah-covington.jpg The main difference was that she had a side-pontytail when I met her 2 years prior.  The photo above is from our 7th grade Junior High year book.  You may be thinking, Damn!  That’s fucked up.  I can’t believe you posted that photo on the internet.” If you have this year book, then you know that I don’t have room to talk shit because my picture is actually worse.  Yeah, I know, it was 1991 and it was a long time ago.  If you think about it though, what’s really fucked up is that, at the time when the picture was taken, George Clooney was already a suave 30 yr old adult man with sideburns who was playing Booker Brookes on Roseanne.  That’s 2 years older than Sarah is right now.  When I was 6 years old and pretending that I was StreetHawk, this cat actually got to appear on an episode.  That same year he started his 2 year run on the Facts of Life for crissakes!  If Alan Thicke wrote the theme song to a show that you were a major character on, then you’ve been around for a minute.  Hell, he was even getting acting gigs before I was a fetus floating next to a dangerous IUD.It’s wierd seeing somebody that you’ve known for almost 20 years in photographs romantically linking them with an Oscar winner.  Sarah and I have attended the same schools since elementary and all the way up through college.  We even lived in the same house at one point.  She dated a former bandmate of mine for 6 years and was my ex-girlfriend’s best friend for years as well.  We’ve been on road trips.  Now everyone is so fascinated with her.  I know why the people who know her are, but the rest of you…what’s the deal?   What the fuck do you really want to know?  She’s just some broad from Kent, a town located between Seattle and Tacoma Washington.  A town, when we were growing up there, that had something to prove.  When people live in a suburb like that, they like nothing more than to go to parties, get drunk off of their parents shitty beer and punch eachother in the throat.

The same day I found out about her new popularity, my mom told me that she was on the cover of People magazine and, later on E!, she was shown in a brief clip.  I had been at work all day, however, before I left I had emailed a couple of publications stating simply that I knew her.  I got a response and I spoke on the phone a couple of times with one publication in particular.  It was insane.  I was just interested in the process at first but I started to get swept away with the whole situation.  I held back with info trying to see what they would say to me and, basically, trying to read the British man on the other end of the line.  It was a little shady right off the bat.  I got questions like Would you say she was a maneater?” and gave responses like, “Um…no, I wouldn’t say that she was aman eater‘…” Eventually, after being awakened early on my day off with a phone call, I said that I wouldn’t link him up with an ex-boyfriend of hers unless I heard something solid instead of bullshit.  I got a monetary offer and a contract was sent to my friend.  I don’t like feeling like I’m on the other end of a hustle and, although money is nice, neither of us (the ex-boyfriend and I) were out to destroy or hurt anyone, so we basically both decided not to take the cash or to deal with them further.  Plus, when you sign a contract like that, there is a clause where you can’t speak about your story to anyone for at least 3 months afterwards.  That means that if they twist your shit around, which they will inevitably do, you can’t make a rebuttal anywhere else publically.  Fuck it!  It wasn’t enough to build my bronze statue in which I’m holding a giant lazer anyway.  I’m spilling my guts here instead.  In my own forum and in the appropriate context.  I don’t really “hate” anyone, but I do know that all of this shit is going to be pouring out soon from one direction or another.

I lived in a house near Lake Meridian and Sarah lived about 3 houses away.  Her family was nice enough and she was the oldest of 3 sisters.  She also has a little brother and a step dad.  Her mom had remarried after a divorce due to Sarah’s dad being gay and remarrying another man.  It was actually very interesting because he had lived for a long time with the AIDS virus and, as I recall, scientists were interested in finding out why so that they could learn something more about the disease.  I believe that he eventually died around 2002 or ’03.  This should be the one thing, if anything, that should really draw some sympathy for her, but I don’t know how something like that is printed for a headline.  It’s most likely in a shady manner, and I know that the tabloids are already aware of this to a certain degree because I was asked directly about it.

There is a post from a guy calling himself Pizza T on the internet, who not only calls himself a “hippy thug” but also claims that he dated Sarah for 6 years.  Sites are wondering if it’s true because they haven’t been able to “confirm” it.  Fuck, I’ll “confirm” it right now.  It’s true.  Their relationship started in High School.  Our high school was fucked up too.  You were either living in a country club, crazy ghetto broke and hood, or stuck being left in the middle like the rest of us.  I was even supposed to walk at graduation with Sarah but, since the school hated me, I was barely allowed to walk at all.  I walked by myself as the last student behind a kid in a wheel chair.

Sarah wasn’t rocking $3 million dollars worth of Bulgari jewels back then, she was wearing hemp necklaces, listening to the Grateful Dead, and attending Phish concerts.  When I was 18 I got in my car with some friends, her boyfriend at the time included, and I travelled around California for about 3 months, scamming fast food, sleeping in my Datsun 510 with the fake Jaguar hood ornament, using psychedelics, and getting into free concerts.  Sarah made a few trips down from Kent to see Tommy (Pizza T) visit, camp, etc.  I wasn’t in a band with Tommy yet, but the majority of the people on the trip were.  The band was called MUSIC and we would set up shows and they would play them in random towns we’d hit up on the trip.  We were notorious for making offensive and/or low quality flyers to advertise.  It was 1997 and quite a few such flyers that we made were contsructed from game pieces for contests at a fast food chain that I used to like to scam food from.  The game pieces had photos of characters from a big movie that was out that summer.  The movie was Batman and Robin starring, none other than George Clooney.


This photo of Sarah above is from that summer tour.  It was taken at a spot called Whole in the Wall in Garberville, Ca where we had all slept that night.  Some random middle aged naked guy showed up and decided to lounge out for a tan and we actually only took this picture of her so that we could snap him in it and remember that day.  That brings me to a quick point.  Sarah looks a lot tanner now and her hair isn’t blonde anymore, like it used to be.  Another issue that it brings up is that, this was taken 10 years ago and I can’t seem to easily find any pictures of her that are more recent.  She was there all of time but nobody seemed to feel the need to hold on to any pictures of her.  Around this time I was closer to almost anyone else but her.  I was a lot closer with her boyfriend and I actually met him through her.  She, unfortunately, began to take on more of the role as someone’s girlfriend who complained a lot.  The girl who, when everyone was hanging out and being dirty and happy and crazy and whatever else, seem to be bringing people down.  We didn’t give a fuck about anything back then.  It was a good time, in fact, it will always be one of the best times of my life.  Things were new and exciting, but the metalic nagging shriek of, “TOMMY!”  will always ring around like loose change in my memory bank.  She was becoming a girl who’s bullshit and complaining sucked everyone into the drama of a relationship that they weren’t even in, through mere proximaty.  This feeling continued pretty much until the last time I saw her which was years and years later.

Sure, we’ve kicked it by ourselves in more that one situation and gotten along alright, so I can definitely say that having a significant other there to fire off demands at played a part in lowering her social value, and that’s understandable.  She has also played a mediator in a few situations of drama, but I wouldn’t say that was enough to cancel out the amount of drama that she had, at times, created herself.  This is why I guarantee her past to unfold in no time.  If you are one of the friends that was bitched about, or had to be approached by your friend on behalf of his girlfriend The 2 Coreys style, you have quite a bit of built up anger towards her.  If you remember some of the specific drama you might be ready to blow.

Everyone knew she was prone to complaining and frustration, but when “Pizza T” arrived to school at Green River Community College one day after she had punched him in the face and left noticeable proof, it took it to another level.  Obviously, he didn’t want to talk about it for too long at the time, it’s not the proudest moment you can have, but he did tell me what happened.  She simply got upset about something trivial and punched him.  Later, he called her out saying things like, “You fucking punched me in the head,  Sarah!”  It reminded me of Nanny 911 where things have gone too far and you can’t reverse time, all you can do is try to explain why what they did was excessive and wrong, all the while knowing that you can’t teach them why it’s wrong but can only help them learn that they can’t pull shit like that anymore.  Later when we all moved to Olympia to attend The Evergreen State College shit escalated.

A bunch of us lived in a house on North St. across from a Masonic Lodge and down the street from the old Tumwater Brewery.  It was a house where the rent was cheap because, otherwise, the owners would have had to pay to make it liveable for humans.  There was a giant marijuana tapestry on the ceiling of the living room and from the street, you could see armed Marines in camo face-paint, which were cut from recruitment posters and taped in the windows like they were guarding the house.  It was a shit hole and I slept on a couch that was always at least a little damp for some reason.  A far cry from a Venice Coctail partySarah was always a little high maintenance for our crew, yet she lived in shitty places like this with us.  She would talk with Tommy about how she wanted things in the house to be a certain way, or someone to move out, etc. etc.  but she moved into a house that others lived in and tried to change it.  Everyone else wanted her out because she would yell at everyone.  General rule of thumb for anyone: If someone is not fucking you then they don’t have to put up with your shit.  It got to the point where, if she ever even approached me with anything I would respond bluntly and firm to whatever she said, and make it clear that I wasn’t going to go into a conversation and listen to any of it.  If I didn’t already agree, I don’t already agree, I don’t want anyone to try and work me over.  She eventually moved out.  She always needed everyone to tend to her and people weren’t getting sympathetic, they were getting pissed.  Her powers didn’t work on me.  She was just some chick I’d known for years and I was never attracted to her.  She always kind of looked like a Gelfling to me anyway, but if she could work sympathy out of her looks she would have.  You can’t really blame her, people adjust by what they are shown in through environments.

Sarah eventually rented a room in a house where one of our other good friends and former roommates had moved.  There was a garage turned dance studio there.  Sarah was still sewing up sundresses and trying to be earthy.  She was studying an East Indian dance called Orisi which she would often bust out in the most innappropriate moments.  Her “best friend” was my live-in girlfriend and we had our own place at that time.  There were situations where I would reluctantly agree to go over to her place and have dinner.  She would subtley put down my girlfriend in front of her and would always seem to try and show off her dance moves or body in some way.  If I left the room to sit down, she would be in front of me in minutes shaking her hips and blocking my views/pathways.  I wanted to put a gun to my dome in those situations.  Sarah had made a few advances or inappropriate gestures towards me, even in front of the girlfriend and regardless of the fact that her boyfriend and I were friends.  I became resentful in ways because, to me, it seemed like she could be very domineering towards my lady.  I always felt that she would use her to make herself feel better.  Her advances towards me may not have been necessarily “sexual”, but  they were definitely innappropriate.  I honestly believe that at the heart of everything was a need for focus and attention to be on her.  I don’t think that she could even accept that someone loved someone else that was a good friend of hers, because the attention wasn’t all about her.  It wasn’t about me or anyone else, I don’t think, I think it was about having the focus towards her at all times.  If you disrespect someone that I love, I lose respect for you, it’s that simple.  It’s quite possible that she had a lot going on, herself, that she didn’t verbalize within my earshot.

Sarah eventually hooked up with our former roommate of ours that she was living with in the new house now.  Tommy found out and all hell broke loose, as you could imagine.  They had been together for 6 years and it ended like that.  At that point I was in a band with Pizza T and he would make all of his dramatic and drawn out phonecalls to her from my house.  This was probably because I had more of a chill and welcoming environment to deal with such manners in than the chaotic environment he was living in.  This was a bad time for me because, since Sarah was “best friends” with my girlfriend, she was always over as well.  This drama eminated from my house and I didn’t want it there.  I would often comment that I didn’t feel comfortable with her coming over anymore.

I’m still friends with the guy she wound up hooking up with, in fact. I haven’t even talked to Tommy in 2 years.  We had a huge falling out which resulted in him blocking me from accessing our bands myspace page and posting bulletins and emails telling everyone (approx. 4,000 fans) that I had died of AIDS.  Yeah, were are not friends, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to tell this story the way that I saw it.  He got fucked over pretty hard and took it pretty hard.  The guy she had transitioned to is the one that I’ve been talking with and who turned down offers to talk with publications. Interesting things are coming out from talks with everyone about this whole Clooney situation.  The second boyfriend told me that he didn’t even know, until I just told him, that Sarah was still dating Tommy when they hooked up.  I was catching the situation from all angles so I know that he sure as fuck thought they were.  She said that they hadn’t been together for 3 months but I saw them together all of the time just prior.  My girlfriend had seen them together regularly too, but she would relay bullshit like that to me from Sarah.  “Well, she says they haven’t been together for 3 months.”  Whatever.  That’s a random things that some women decide.  Don’t guess when you started dating ever!  You started dating the minute that they decided that they wanted to in their own heads.  Same thing when you break up.  If they had decided at some point that they should break up with you and then find someone that they would rather fuck, it’s over and they “already told you“.  It helps if they cut you off for a week or so first.  That way they can always say that you knew about it.  The logic is more than flawed, sure, but I can’t even say that she didn’t believe it.  My girlfriend eventually went batshit psycho crazy and disappeared from our home one day.  I should have seen it coming she used that same logic on me eventually.  Another thing that they both did have in common as friends was that they were a little flighty.  They hardcore believed in fairies and wanted to do shit like, “paint magic in the woods” or whatever other mystical bullshit they could think of.  My ex-girlfriend once told me that she had actually left milk out for those fucking fairies and Sarah would tell me about transcending her physical body and travelling in spirit form around her house.  Maybe they believe that they didn’t cheat on anyone.  I don’t know maybe they didn’t.  Maybe we don’t have the “magic potions” to see reality.  Maybe, but I took the same “magic potions” that they did and probably more of it.

This was all around 2001.  From a psychological standpoint, I would say the following.  Sarah had been in a 6 year relationship and wanted to move out of it into something “new”.  Tommy had the same issues, this was their only really serious relationship.  The problems were that she didn’t have the integrity or sense to handle it correctly, from what I saw, and he was allowing it to continue and to be disrepected out of fear of the unknown without her.  That’s what happens.  It’s your first serious relationship.  I got fucked over myself, it’s logical.  Sometimes people actually don’t know how to hurt someone to theri face and make young, foolish decisions.  Sarah‘s rude awakening happened when she thought that she could pull the same shit on the new guy and it didn’t fly.  I know that she had lashed out and tried to strike him in the past too.  He blocked it once and she hurt her self.  She wasn’t always out punching everyone and being violent, but she was definitely known to trip and act a fool.  She had become accustomed to having someone take whatever abuse she chose to dish out, and so she vented in that manner.  He kicked her to the curb.  The two guy’s became friends again and I saw Sarah out of default, until my girlfriend cooked us up lives as transient mental basketcases.

Last time that I saw Sarah was right after she hooked up with some goon named Dan Randolph.  I met him twice, I think.  I believe that they came into the Rang Dong once which, in it’s heyday, was the greatest Vietnamese Karaoke bar of all time.  He didn’t seem to be very interesting or fitting.  They moved to Vegas.  Next I hear, she’s on Fear Factor shortly after.  She actually wins after that guy basically carries her.  Here’s where some debate comes into play.  The Fear Factor site labels Sarah Larson as a “Go-Go dancer“.  Pizza T‘s letter denies this claim, but it’s just wishful thinking.  How would he know?  Sorry but it’s true.  If you don’t want to hear that and you believe that everything you’ve read on the internet is true, you can stop now.  I died of AIDS 2 years ago, so who gives a shit about what I’m about to type anyway?  A source I know who worked at the production company for Fear Factor told me that she was scouted Go-Go dancing.  I was informed that they actually had to call her down off of a pole to offer her a spot on the show.  The problem with tabloids and media is that it’s like the game of telephone.  Go-go dancer can be changed very easily into a stripper when skewed.  From there, that get’s morphed into hooker and eventually you are a crack whore murderer running a child-porn ring.  Apparently, Cocktail waitress gets morphed into Actress/Model fairly easily too, because as far as anyone I know is informed, that’s a load of bullshit too.  That’s why nobody can find anything on her, because they are typing in “actress/model” on their search engines, instead of “Random Chicks From Kent“.

With questions like, “Does she want to hide her background?”  being asked by Hollywood, she’s becoming an enigma.  I don’t know if she is trying to hide anything.  I do know that she doesn’t look that comfortable in the pictures that I’ve seen.  It’s got to be an overwhelming experience to have to absorb for someone.  Maybe nobody has asked her anything.  Last I heard she was supposed to marry that guy she was on Fear Factor with, but that obviously didn’t happen.  She got a B.S. degree from Evergreen and then up and moved to Vegas.  I’m not trying to attack or hurt anyone, but I’m not ashamed of my background and I’ve been in a mental health unit.  Then again, I’m not trying to be a politician or a Hollywood darling.  She’s just a girl who had occasionally displayed some selfish tendancies and became clearly too high maintenance for the crowd she was involved with.  Maybe she felt that she wanted to get “somewhere” even if she didn’t know where that place was.  Maybe all that she knew was that her current environments weren’t gong to nurture that.  Most likely, she didn’t really piece it together all that in depth, but rather just reacted.  She didn’t have a severe drug addiction, or drown a baby.  It’s not that interesting.  What’s interesting to me is that she went from E to E!, from Patchouli to Prada, from Orisi to Go-go….actually, her Orisi always had quite a bit of Go-Go in it.  I say, “Good luck in the game?”  I personally would represent where I came from and maybe she will.  If I was in her position, I wouldn’t be worrying about how mysterious I might appear to the public.  At this point, especially with such drastic transitions, I would be wondering about if I was still a mystery to myself.  Your background only has an effect of you if you want something specific to happen.  If you are a gangster rapper, the public finding out that you haven’t offed anyone can actually fuck up your career, but, like the slogan for the new Clooney film Michael Clayton states “The Truth Can Be Adjusted“.  If anyone knows that, it’s the media.

Dead C

2,695 thoughts on “From Patchouli to Prada (Clooney’s “mystery” girl?)

  1. not so fast. the gal in the bedroom photo with george is lynn heslov, the wife of mike heslov (the guy in the boat with GC, and brother of grant heslov).

  2. actually, reading that he’s been dating someone else for a few months now while also playing sarah (she thought she was going to milano not that long ago) makes me think (again) that he’s a _________. fill in the blank. she’s playing him, he’s playing her. anyhoo, if true, it almost makes me not care that she’s getting some attention.

  3. The girl in the bedroom is NOT Lynne Heslov. Lynne is 47 years old and white.
    And on other websites, they talk about a water balloon fight as you can see in these photos.

    George did the same things (water balloon fights) with Krista and Lisa at the beginning of their relationships. I think this black girl is the new girlfriend.
    How long will she be ‘the one’ ? I hope she is not another famewhore/golddigger/escort…. but with George, I doubt !

  4. @julie – thanks for clearing the gal in the bedroom window thing up. Mike’s wife is hot!

    Now can someone clarify something else? I thought Grant had gotten a divorce but someone mentioned he was still married.

    Anyone have any info on that?

  5. Apparently E! is the new Home of The Ho: and they’re calling it An! Exclusive!

    Sarah Larson’s relationship with George Clooney may have ended last month, but Sarah Larson tells E! that her budding modeling career is in high gear.
    I caught up with Larson, 29, at the Lexus Style Villa Sports “Power of H” event Saturday night at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego.
    Larson, who attended the party with a girlfriend after walking the red carpet solo, said she signed on last week as face of a new ad campaign for designer Christian Audigier’s line of couture dresses. “I just shot it a few days ago,” Larson told E! “The shoot was very sexy and femine. It was a lot of fun.”
    Larson, who earlier this year walked the runway at a fashion show during L.A. Fashion Week, explained why she was walking down Robertson Blvd. amid a frenzy of paparazzi on Thursday. “I was meeting with my agent and all of a sudden tons of photographers showed up. It was out of control.”
    Larson, who says she’s splitting her time between L.A. and Las Vegas, wasn’t offering up any insights into her split with Clooney, but at the party celebrating Lexus’ line of hybrid cars, Larson revealed her Clooney-esque passion for environmental causes. “I’m looking to buy a hybrid so I wanted to check out some of the cars here,” she said.
    Larson was sipping champagne in the VIP area at the Lexus party nearby newly separated Dylan McDermott (he came with his two kids, no date), NFL’er Matt Leinart and actress Kate Walsh, who dined at Nobu inside the Hard Rock after spending the day watching Tiger Woods compete in the U.S. Open in nearby La Jolla, Calif.

  6. I am laughing so hard right now I’m crying! I was reading some of the comments left under the article about George breaking up with Sarah on Popwrap. A lot were the typical “he’s gay” or “Sarah’s hot” etc.

    But the response to the comment below left me roaring>>

    First comment:

    who cares? the guy:

    1. can’t act
    2. can’t articulate a cogent thought, but thinks he is Immanual Kant
    3. is a narcissist

    Posted by: NM on May 28, 2008 05:06 PM

    The response:

    agreed that he…

    1. can’t act
    2. is a narcissist
    3. can’t articulate a cogent thought, but can probably spell Immanu’e’l Kant properly

    Posted by: kAr on May 29, 2008 02:19 AM

    And for those who are care here’s Kant’s wikipedia page:

    h ttp://


    Sarah Larson’s relationship with George Clooney may have ended last month, but Sarah Larson tells E! that her budding modeling career is in high gear.

    I caught up with Larson, 29, at the Lexus Style Villa Sports “Power of H” event Saturday night at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego.

    Larson, who attended the party with a girlfriend after walking the red carpet solo, said she signed on last week as face of a new ad campaign for designer Christian Audigier’s line of couture dresses. “I just shot it a few days ago,” Larson told E! “The shoot was very sexy and femine. It was a lot of fun.”

    Larson, who earlier this year walked the runway at a fashion show during L.A. Fashion Week, explained why she was walking down Robertson Blvd. amid a frenzy of paparazzi on Thursday. “I was meeting with my agent and all of a sudden tons of photographers showed up. It was out of control.”

  8. What’s up with Lainey? She seems to be on the Clooney trail, she still pissed she bought into the “happily ever after?”

    Now she’s “saying” that Zwellinger wants to be the Clooney “one” – Lainey did a blurb on Beatty and his honor and the article headline was is there an Annette for George?

    Is the air getting thinner up in Canada that Lainey has no-one else over whom to blurb?

  9. GC has water balloon fights with EVERYBODY. It’s not some ritual of initiation that he reserves for his new lays. He’s had water balloon fights with his male friends AND their significant others. GC told Vanity Fair about how he drenched one of the girlfriends of one of The Boys with a water balloon in Como a few summers ago.

    Villa Oleandra is a veritable hotel this time of year. It’s booked solid with guests all summer. Right now Mike and Lynne Heslov are there (and yes the woman in the photo could easily be tanned and Caucasian, and easily be 47, especially if she’s taken care of herself, 47 is still young), Stan Rosenfeld is also there right now, and God knows who else is there but it’s likely several more people, men AND women. The Villa is going to be filled with people all summer long and they are all going to be at the receiving end of GC’s antics. No one is spared. Okay, maybe Al Gore was spared, but that’s about it. GC is a big kid. That man will throw a water balloon at anybody. He also hides crazy shit in their suitcases as they’re about to leave for the airport, so they get a hard time at customs and don’t know why. His childish antics are a “courtesy” he extends to all his guests.

  10. Not Amused – thanks for the “clapping hands” icon – mentioned it before, but post didn’t take.

    Don’t think the girl in the window is black – looks Italian to me.
    In the very first photo looks like her mascara is all under her eyes – crying perhaps? Looks like she is holding a tissue & her nose is all red. Maybe water balloons were to cheer her up. Don’t know.

    Other woman – blonde. Maybe it’s Cornie. Cornie only started posting end/Feb, so if there was someone that was around for a while maybe it was the woman Cornie was implying. Just a guess. Cornie hasn’t posted since 5/22 – a week before GC & SL break up hit the press, so maybe they actually broke up on 5/22 then GC went to Mexico while SL packed. He was photoed in Mexico later that week. So there could have been some woman in the “background” waiting for GC to get rid of his puppet. Cornie never mentioned if she was blonde, etc., but again, just a guess. No darts please.

  11. daffy — i’ve looked for photos of lynn heslov online and can find none, including on wire image. how do you know the age/race? what’s your source? NK, can you answer this question? i’ve googled, checked wireimage, and nada. the girl in these photos does look awfully young.

    I said this was lynn heslov based on numerous comments on websites that state emphatically that that is who she is.

    i did think it odd that he would be in a bedroom with another man’s wife. if there’s a water balloon fight, then that puts a whole ‘nother spin on it. my god, what kind of man bonds with a girl by throwing water balloons. i mean, um, are the balloons some kind of metaphor? whatev. she makes sl look like a drowned rat.

  12. Ola Hyenas !! Big Fun here !! break-up is done!!

    The redone boobs is bullshit for sure and I’m so glad to see the real contexte of the pictures in this horrible pink think.

    Sarah looks really happy and so cool, she is sweet.

    I hope the best for her.

    I’m pretty sure too that’s there is no ‘new one’ lady around GC and anyway… and the girl il lake como look’s like a person you pay in hôtel too make your bed and cleaning the place.

    Who say’s ’15 min’ ??? a year is a lot for a ’15 min’ … included red carpet etc.. loll .. you really see only the dark side of every situation.


  13. one more observation…in one of the bauergriffin photos (see daffy’s link above) the girl wears what appears to be an oversized navy jacket, possibly a man’s jacket, and a tee, and nothing else (except perhaps panites underneath). no 47 year old dresses like that. that is the garb of the very young. we also see lots of bare leg as she crosses in front of the window. those are not 47 year old legs. in another photo, she wears a yellow dress under the same navy jacket. the dress hangs down below the jacket by a good 5 inches or so, so she clearly was not wearing that under the jacket in the other photo. so at some point she changed clothes or got dressed. the photo of her sitting on the bed with spraddled bare legs is no position any married woman would take in the presence of another man. period. no guarantee that gc was in the room the entire time, but this collection of photos makes it appear that he was. the photo purporting to show gc with water balloons? those are awfully small balloons if that is what they are.

    my first impression may have been right. waiting to hear whether anyone can find a photo of lynn heslov.

  14. Justwana : you really are so pretentious… who do you think you are? god? Carlos Rampa? .. always speaking about life lesson’s .. well … live yours and content yourself with your proper life.

    We don’t all live in the same world and your truth is not the same for everyone.

    I don’t see the positive part from you and all your comments, you should act as an exemple if you want people to follow you in your ‘how live as a perfect human’…

    Well well…


  15. Cornish Game Hen is this 30 something chick the “one”!! Is she a scorpio? Does she have the magic in her eyes? Did the planets change course after their meeting?

  16. @Charlie

    Bite me! and then piss off!

    I can say whatever I want just as you can — so here’s some advice – if you have an issue with what I write — if it bothers you so much then just use your scroll button – pass by it and read something else.

    You come on here with a first post calling everyone “hyenas” then you come back and call me pretentious.

    No, I’m not pretentious. I have strong convictions and no matter what you say – it will not change my comments when it comes to the expectation I have of those who decide to become spokespersons for those who need serious help i.e. AIDs patients, people who have lost loved ones to AIDS or people living with the loss of their lands, their homes, and their means to provide for themselves and their families even the basic needs to survive because they are ruled, uprooted and killed by despots. So I do I have an EXPECTATION that those who decide to take up their cause and ask us to help should come from a place of integrity.

    That’s what many in this country EXPECT.

    Someone like Sarah who has no issue being photographed in situations that would make one question her actions and whose photos make one question whether she has even taken the basic precautions one would take to avoid contracting or being a person who passes on serious STD’s then you have to ask if this is a person one would want to be speaking to others about what they should or could be doing to help victims of AIDs and/or other serious issues.

    She’s a fucking joke in that respect. But as I said, if she wants to take this issue on in private as a personal journey then I would respect her more for that than if she decides to use this “cause” as a way to get more publicity and/or to help her “image.”

    George dating her also made me question his integrity.

    So no, no amount of hounding or baiting by you is going to change my comments. I have never stated that I am perfect. I work each day trying to make sure actions I take are taken with a sense of integrity. That is the expectation I have of myself. It is certainly the expectation I will then have of someone who has access to the media and wants to “help” those who are in desperate need of it.

    I won’t listen to a hypocrite – whether their name is George or Sarah.

    My opinion and my expectation is that Sarah needs to seriously clean up her act before she can get in front of media and try to tell anyone else what to do. And as I’ve said for months – that’s the same expectation I have of George.

    Hopefully, this explanation has cleared it up for you. I cannot believe that you seriously live your life with no sense of integrity. No one is perfect but everyone should have high standards for themselves. Your comments would lead one to believe that you expect less than high standards for yourself and those with whom you interact. If that’s you life – then live your life. But don’t expect me to lower myself to you.


  17. Well dumble, she’d have to have kinder eyes than SL, who had eyes like a shark…nothing there but a glaze..kind of scary. I looked at the pictures, and there’s nothing to suggest all were taken of the same room..there’s something on the floor in one with her, and not there w/him. And if you think that piddly little room is his, you’re nuts. She could be anybody’s somebody, or somebody’s nanny or whatever..don’t think it matters much. She’s old news..the boat girls are today’s flavor, and it turns out they were w/their boyfriends.

  18. Some links posted on imdb. I told you Villa Oleandra is a veritable hotel in the summer. You’re going to see all kinds of men AND women running around his estate all summer long, engaging in all kinds of jokes and playfulness, some will be easy to identify, some won’t and that won’t make that person a “mystery woman”, just one of the many, many guests having a blast at Como.

    And like I mentioned in a post a couple of months ago when there was this notion that an invite to Como is only reserved for close friends and intimates. Not so, at all. An invite to Como means nothing. Friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of his friends, acquaintances of his acquaintances. He really does open the place right up to non-stop partying (although he does manage to work while he’s there as well, the revelry continues among his guests).

    Item # 1: If you look at the pictures on the right, you’ll see there are six people in the boat, as well as pics of GC and Tate Donovan cycling.

    Clooney ‘n Donovan Bike Buds:

    Newly single George Clooney, 47, enjoys a bike ride around picturesque Lake Como, Italy, with his long-time friend American actor Tate Donovan, 44, on Monday.

    Donovan came to town on Saturday along with a literal boatload of visitors to his Lake Como villa (pictures appear toward the end of this gallery). The group enjoyed a ride around the lake, giggling and taking snap shots of the event. One rider even had an old-style Polaroid camera.

    George, looks like you’re riding, boating, and perhaps romancing your way back to a mended heart.

    Go bro!

    Item # 2: More guests’ names identified.

    Olivia Munn and Boatload of B-List Castaways Rescued Off Lake Como by George Clooney Summer Getaways

    If you, like us, were beside yourselves with worry when National Wiener-Biting Champ [NSFW] Olivia Munn abruptly announced she would be taking some time off from her co-hosting duties on Attack of the Show!, we can offer by way of comfort the above recent photo. We assumed correctly that she was in Europe—only where we thought she’d be found in the tiny German town of Osendorf in Land Sachsen-Anhalt, where the World Wiener-Biting Championships are held every June, she was instead spotted in a small boat on Italy’s Lake Como, accompanied by boyfriend and October Road star Bryan Greenberg, trash TV veteran Tate Donovan, and a third, unidentified brunette we’ll refer to as Signorina X. All, it turns out, were guests of Lake Como’s most famous resident, George Clooney, who’d later invite them to dry their garments on a medieval sock-toaster and retire to Villa Oleandra’s dedicated pizza room for an anchovy-and-burrata pie so transcendent, none would ever again question the existence of God.

  19. Hey Charlie,

    I have to say your comments have triggered more than I expected.

    Here’s why.

    When I was writing my earlier response to you I used the word “despots” with my mind’s eye describing the leaders of Sudan to describe how they are “leading” *cough, cough* the people in their country. Yes, I’m using the word leading sarcastically.

    As I checked to make sure I was spelling it correctly I came across a definition that stated it was often used to describe Louis XVI. Well as Alanis Morrisette would say, “isn’t it ironic?”

    Why I found this interesting was that I was going to use an example with him to describe why I find George’s actions (and now Sarah’s actions) i.e. his soapbox antics of telling others how they should live their lives whilst screwing prostitutes and the like to be laughable and not to be taken seriously. My examples was going to be – “George getting in front of the media and berating others for their actions is like the Marquis de Sade trying to tell Louis XVI and Marie Anoinette to straighten up their acts!”

    But as I looked through more descriptions of the French Revolution and the causes and info on the Marquis I found it fascinating that he would write a perverse novel called Justine in which he is purported to describe in detail (I have not read and have no intention of doing so) the sexually sadistic orgies and rapes to which his 12 year old heroine is subjected. Its central theme however, is described as “the vices to which the virtuous are subjected.”

    As you are probably aware, he was ordered arrested by Napoleon for this book and its companion Juliette. He was later (thru the influence of his family) sent to an insane asylum. All of this making perfect sense to me because most people who are of sound mind would find someone like that (say one thing but continually do another especially when dealing with sexual perversions and the abuse of many of his servants) not to be of sound mind.

    Why I found this all so laughable is that history continues to repeat itself doesn’t it. Someone with low moral values gets up on a high horse and tries to tell others how to live.

    See that’s how I differ. I don’t have low moral values since I respect myself too much for that. I don’t do drugs because I think not only is it a waste of money I also think doing drugs is a waste of time. Very precious time since we only have one life to live.

    I don’t get up on a soap box and discuss the actions of others if I too have done those actions. So I feel no remorse in getting on here and slamming Sarah for her crotch shots and her contradictory statements because that’s something I have not done nor will ever do.

    So yes, I’ll make my comments and you can read them or not. Hey, I don’t even give a shit if you make comments about them because jI just plan to scroll past any more of your crap and read other sections instead.

    You previously made comments about cleaning up MY country before I make commentary on others. You should take your own advice. Your country’s history is pretty messed up too. So I wouldn’t be so smug.

    So I’ll give you the same advice you gave me — worry about your own country’s issues. Sarah and George, last time I checked, were both U.S. citizens and for the most part, in the public eye here. They put themselves there – it’s quite evident that Sarah wanted the attention and continues to crave it. George always said he wanted to be famous. Well it looks like they both got their wishes but with it comes the media glare and all the positive and negative aspects of that fame. Which includes the rip roaring commentary here.


  20. I think that woman is Italian and she more than likely works for George. If you look at the windows in each shot they are different. The photos with the woman there are no curtains, the photos with George, there are curtains. I guess his game of water ballons may have caused the curtains to come down, hence why there are none when the woman is in the room. I seriously doubt if they were in the room at the same time. She may have been resting before her shift and someone told her the paps were taken photos so she put her clothes on.

    It’s good to see you Charlie!!!! :)

    Now I’m just waiting for CGH, but I doubt if CGH makes an appearance, because the “ONE” hasn’t shown up. ;)

    I believe a few people describe the “ONE” as a brunette. Reread CGH or the other people who written that they knew who CGH was speaking of. They all describe her as a brunette.

    The blonde, may be Ellen Barkin or Renee Zellweger, he spent time with both of them the past few months. Maybe someone from a distance couldn’t make the woman out, probably was one of them, and assume it was some new “woman”.

    Also I saw those diamond earrings, on OUR GIRL during her visit to Rome in December, before Christmas. George didn’t buy those damn earrings.

    Hey has anyone else notice E! started calling Lindsay Lohan “OUR GIRL”!! They can’t take our nickname for OUR GIRL!!!

    Well I’m going to give Larson some free advice, I know she should pay me for it, but I actually want her to have a successful career and if she doesn’t, have a successful career, I don’t want her to try to blame it on us!! Also I’m tired of the way her handlers are leading her.

    My free advice:

    First a sermon: A STRONG woman, takes responsibility for her actions. A STRONG woman doesn’t have a man or let a man, try to clean up her mess.

    The church say AMEN!

    Those lovely pictures at viply, YOU need to address them. YOU let those photos help other people define who you are and link you to prostitution. You let people define you as a whore, call-girl, skank. Are you any of those adjectives? You won’t have a successful career, because those photos will always be your “elephant in the room” until you address them.

    I suggest phrases such as, “As you can see by most of the photos of me, I play really hard and sometimes take things too far. Those photos are example of me taking things too far. … Those photos were not used as part of any promotional advertisment for the company I was employed by then , they were actually supposed to be for my own private use…. Unfortunately they were released to the public and I have embarassed my friends and family…

    I can see where those photos may lead you to think the worse about me…

    I’m pretty sure you have a really good publicist and who can write something good for you. You need to let people see you and maybe, just maybe they’ll start to warm up to you again. Remember, most people were just as concerned about you when George crashed the motorcycle. So people did like you, you just have to get the public back on your side. Maybe if we can see you as a goof ball doing something skankygoofy as opposed to a professional call girl, advertising her wares, we can embrace you. People are willing to forgive, you just have to ask.

  21. George Clooney’s Ex-Girlfriend Claims She Never Spoke About Their Split In “Fabricated” Interview
    June 17, 2008 – George Clooney and Sarah Larson
    George Clooney Photos (334) A June 13 Daily Star article featured the supposed “first exclusive interview” with Sarah Larson regarding her split with actor George Clooney. A representative for Larson tells Celebrity News Service that the quotes in the article were false.

    “She’s not given any interviews. Everything in that article was made up,” Larson’s representative, Kenya Knight, tells CNS.

    The authors of the article claimed that Larson “invited” them for lunch in Beverly Hills. Larson’s rep tells CNS what really happened.

    “Two girls sat down very close to overhear our conversation,” Knight says.

    The girls were then asked to leave the establishment, but first they handed Knight a camera and asked if they could take a picture with Larson.

    “She’s very sweet and kind and would never say no,” says Knight.

    The girls included the picture in their article as evidence that they had met Larson. The article contained fabricated quotes about Larson and Clooney’s living situation and a custom-made Armani gown. Larson’s rep said “it’s a shame” that such a thing can “jump and spin out of control.” She expressed regret that the false quotes wound up listed on legitimate Web sites.

    “Everything in that article was untrue. The only thing true was the photo.”

    The article has since been removed from the magazine’s Web site.

  22. So the Daily Star announced everywhere they were coming out with an interview, then days later came out with an interview and picture, and it took over a week for SL to figure out she didn’t actually do an interview? And after getting the ladies who just happened to be sitting at a table next to them kicked out of the restaurant, they decided to pose for pictures. Really, I bet it happened just that way because, after all ,SL always has paps following her every move when GC isnt around. And your agent always takes your picture with people they think are eavsdropping on your conversations, because it is always such a good idea.
    Testing the waters with Stan, and getting another week of press at the same time (poor SL so hounded by the press, she can’t go back to her old job) Careful testing those waters dear, Stan can sink you.

  23. In the CNS item where Knight denies the interview in the Daily Star, it says:

    “The girls were then asked to leave the establishment, but first they handed Knight a camera and asked if they could take a picture with Larson.”

    That sentence makes no sense. If the conduct of the two gossip columnists was SO bad they were forced to leave the restaurant, why would SL pose for pictures with them (and with her arms wrapped around them no less)? That would never happen. Despite what SL believes about herself she is not famous enough to get two customers removed from a restaurant for no reason. The two women from the DS were paying customers. It would take some very outrageous conduct to be removed from the restaurant, in which case why is Kenya Knight taking smiling, posed photographs of them with her client? As sweet as Knight is trying to make her client out to be, it was Knight who was happily taking the pictures.

    I also find it hard to believe that it was 6 days ago that the exclusive interview with the DS was announced, and 4 days ago that it was published and only now they issue a denial. I doubt even Kenya Knight is that incompetent. It sounds a lot more like someone read the interview and was none too please (be it GC or his good friend Armani — remember the lies she told about the gown) so now they’re back-peddling.

    If this interview was a complete fabrication why did they not privately, and if that didn’t work, publicly demand the DS print an actual retraction complete with apology stating the story was not the result of an interview? Instead the story just quietly disappears from the DS web site while it happily continues to circle the internet with no formal retraction from the DS to disprove it.

    I also don’t think SL and KK realized how seedy the write up would be, with the “naughty pillows” and “devil’s dumplings” and all the rest. They’ve got buyer’s remorse for all kinds of reasons, and as usual, are covering up one batch of lies with another batch of lies and fooling no one but themselves.

  24. Umm didn’t her rep/Nous manager release a statement that she had went for an interview with that paper the same day it happened along with the interview with the guy fron Ed Hardy and lingerie campaign. I smell bullshit, she just came off as a complete idiot in the interview, yet again and is trying to clean it up. She must not have known, people knew that dress wasn’t custom made. Did they think the interview went well and she was even photographed with the women!!!!! The fact that she was interviewed was released the day of the interview, last week!! If she did not interview why would her people release a statement or at least denied it before it came out, not after the fact. Must be trying to save her ass from litigation with Clooney, they must have a no interview clause in their contract and she forgot.

    Poor thing gets dumber and dumber.

    In other 6 degrees from Clooney news, Charlie Sheen called his ex-wife a n*gger and she isn’t even black!!! Wow she recorded him all througout their marriage!!!He released some bullshit ass statement, making sure he acknowledge his one black friend. Between Clooney and Sheen, Stan must work some serious overtime !!!! If I was Stan, I’d charge them both triple what I was charging everyone else.

  25. Dear Ted:
    Do you think Sarah Larson is going to be the one to rip the roof off of the goings-on in the life of Clooney?
    Los Angeles

    Dear Clooney Quizzical:
    No. She’s not that smart. Otherwise, why would she have hooked up with him in the first place?

  26. Sarah Larson tried to stiff George Clooney’s staff behind his back?

    Everyone is still busy speculating over what went wrong between George Clooney and Sarah Larson. The two split up after a year together – absolutely beyond record length for a Clooney liaison. Before that, his longest – and I’m guessing deepest – relationship was with his pot bellied pig, Max. Mike Walker of the National Enquirer has another theory as to what might have gone wrong, and according to him, Ms. Larson got a little too big for her britches in the Clooney household.

    New clue in the intriguing mystery of why George Clooney abruptly dumped ex-cocktail waitress Sarah Larson – even after generously buying her new boobs and teeth! The bust-up occurred in part because risqué photos surfaced along with rumors of her fling with an old flame – plus sordid tales of her wild past that freaked Clooney out, as reported by The Enquirer – but here’s a tasty chunk of my very own prime gossip filet, folks:

    Word’s just now drifting out from the star’s inner circle that Sarah, who once depended on tips herself as a scantily clad booze-server in Vegas, suddenly started acting like the future Missus Clooney around The Man’s household, cruelly ordering cutbacks to the hefty gratuities Generous George regularly lavishes on his personal staff.

    For months, Clooney had no clue about Stingy Sarah’s sly cutbacks, but when worried staffers finally asked one of his higher-ups if the boss had trimmed everyone’s tips because he was unhappy with their work, the whistle finally blew loudly in the star’s ear and he went ballistic – raging that NO ONE had the right to counterman his orders! Just days after Clooney’s shocking discovery, it was suddenly “See ya, Sarah!”

  27. @nyc 777

    The comment from the blogger at celebitchy continues below:

    Frankly it seems pretty clear to me that whatever ended George and Sarah’s relationship, I’ll bet it was an excuse. George Clooney does not date women long, and I’m sure he knew that if he went on much longer, he’d be expected to marry Sarah. The gossip was reaching a boiling point as it was.

    I’m guessing he waited for the first thing she did wrong, and then gave Sarah the boot. A Clooney relationship isn’t a traditional one where the two people are partners who work together through issues. You get to date George – and he takes pretty good care of you, buying you new body parts and such – for a few months until he loses interest.

    As soon as his relationship with Sarah deviated from his tried and true format, suddenly his entire identity was probably up in the air and he started looking for a way out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual dumping was because of something relatively trivial, though the idea that Sarah ever had enough control to influence his staff’s paychecks seems a little unlikely to me.

    Either way, she set a Clooney relationship record, and she left with two lovely parting gifts.

    When I read the last part I laughed so hard that I spit my drink all over my computer! LMAO

  28. That celebitchy (Enquirer) article is so full of garbage, everyone should spit on their computer. I’ll bet if he could do it all over, he would’ve never taken wannabe SL to the Oscars–that’s when the press started all this ‘only woman he’s ever known in his life’ crap. To assume she had any say in his financial dealings is too ludicrous. Others lasted longer (than her few months..) and got more (a house, for instance, and really good jewelry..). Could be another SL piece is just planted to boost the opening of that club Audigier is opening next week.. unless she spreads them for Playboy, there’s nothing really else to keep her in the public eye, and Audigier needs free publicity badly.

  29. Ha!!!

    I would have bought she was nasty to the staff and George kicked her out for that. She had no control over his finances, especially paying the staff.

    Okay now, her 15 minutes of fame is on life support. Every time it flat lines, some new nonsense comes out and it is revived!!! *sigh* She’s not going away quietly. I guess she needs to get attention for July. Trust Camp Clooney will shut her down soon. Or maybe they planted the story to make her look bad, creating more reasons for people to dislike her and affect her “career”.

    @new kid

    I don’t think it was buyer’s remorse, that interview with the Daily Star, I think that was Camp Clooney letting her know they are in control. The Daily Star seem very George friendly (from the few articles I read), no way they are printing anything to make her look good. As I speculated earlier, that most of those “sources” in all those other magazines/tabloids, were probably her doing. They (the writers) took the pictures to prove that she actually was there and had given the interview, because they knew they would try to deny it. They made her look stupid. The writers probably thought they were getting an exclusive interview and she just gave sound bites. Dumb and Dumber (Kenya and Sarah) just got caught playing a stupid game.

    Burn After Reading looks like it is going to be GREAT!!!! The preview showed a very funny movie. It received just as much laughter as Will Farrells preview for Step-Brother in the theatre I was in over the weekend. Burn’s jokes were more intelligent, compared to Will’s physical and slapstick brand of humor, but Burn still managed to get a lot of laughter out of the crowd. Funny thing, George Clooney is the star, but Brad Pitt is in most of the preview. :)

  30. Also she was right in regards to the Armani dress. If you buy couture ( gown, dress, pants, top etc), you can have it customized to your taste. These pieces cost THUSANDS of bucks!!! Really!! I watched a show on couture on a PBS channel once, it gave a good journey into that world, women and designers. So OUR GIRL wasn’t lying, she may have had that dress tweaked a little.

  31. Shelly..she did not buy that gown!!! they took it back as soon as she took it off! Nor did she buy anything that was loaned to her when she was hanging off GC. A designer wouldn’t change the basic design or structure of a gown for that (only a paying customer)..they would do any needed alterations. the tulle part was the tulle on that dress (note to dumb as a rock SL..that white stuff you were sitting on in the HB shoot..that’s tulle..)
    Star: Jennifer Sims=Jennifer stand in roles to justify private plane perks during three movies, so the studio gets charged for booty call.

  32. lol@ stevieC, I was just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. :)

    Darn the contract didn’t have free clothes clause!!! What type of employer is

    Here’s Sims, looks nothing like Aguero. I don’t see where George would be embarassed by her at all. It could be stretched to seem that they may have dated ( if you look at all of her credits) and they kept it personal and private. Or she was stalking George Clooney, showing up in three of his movies. :)

    Funny thing is Clooney Studio would give out links to “employment opportunities” ( extras and what nots) for George’s films. It seems kind of odd to go out to NC for a film when you are based in CA. Or hell even to Vegas. The pay is only a few hundred bucks, hmmm, stalker or girlfriend ?

    Trying to link Clooney and Sims is impossible, because he was linked to his blond co-star in the Good German. Dated Hatcher during the promotion of Good German, was linked to Aguero during Leatherheads and Talley in Ocean’s 13. I can’t see where whore George had time to fit her in. Maybe she’s a booty call. *shrugs* Her pay is her extra money!! LOL

    Actually Aguero is going to be on a show called Duel Friday night on ABC.

  33. If you want to know :

    Sarah Larson and British actor Jason Statham were spotted having dinner together on Tuesday night in Las Vegas.

    Larson, George Clooney’s ex-girlfriend and the new face of Christian Audigier’s upcoming line of couture dresses, was seated next to Statham at the new restaurant Simon at Palms Place.

    Statham is in town to appear at a topping-off ceremony Wednesday for the Planet Hollywood Towers by Westgate.

    Clooney and Larson, a Las Vegas model, split in May after a September-to-May relationship that included her attending the Oscars with him.

    Statham has been directer Guy Ritchie’s favorite tough guy in a string of films. He has been working on “The Brazilian Job” with Charlize Theron and Mark Wahlberg, his co-stars in “The Italian Job.”

  34. She’s obviously not walking Milan and after this she may not be sitting/posing for any print. I hope she “gets” that she’s a novelty, her “fame” is only as GC ex and this “career” is very short lived.,22049,23950374-5001026,00.html

    (one of many links that picked up this story)

    IT would take a lot of women a lifetime to get over George Clooney.

    But star designer Christian Audigier says that when he saw Clooney’s ex just two weeks after the break up, she was just fine.

    In fact, he said former cocktail waitress Sarah Larson is doing so well you wouldn’t even know she’d just split up Clooney, reports OK!

    But Audigier said she was not a natural when she started posing in front of the camera on the first few days of her modelling shoot for the French designer.

    He said the novice model found it difficult to smile and show off some attitude.

  35. Shelly, Aguero only has credits for a few shows last year, not for the present ones..never seen it, but on the show’s site, the new chip girls are different. I was joking about that Jennifer stuff…but, actually, if you put big hair on Simms..and compare it to recent pic of Aguero (not the spread ’em pics) they have same nose, lips, cheeks,blue eyes…could be..she’s had several names.
    daffy: when SL is sitting on some guy (and not beside him) then we’ll know she’s back in business.

  36. @stevie c said:

    “daffy: when SL is sitting on some guy (and not beside him) then we’ll know she’s back in business.”

    I’ve got to stop drinking stuff while reading this site. My computer screen is taking a beating! LMAO


    NORM: Larson a no-show at Audigier event


    Sarah Larson: Did not attend key red carpet.

    George Carlin: No memorial in Vegas.

    Brooke White: Went to Revolution Lounge.

    It’s never a big surprise when Michael Jackson, with his history of unpredictability, doesn’t show up. But Sarah Larson’s absence was another story.

    Larson, who was announced last month as the new face of French designer Christian Audigier’s clothing line, was a no-show at the opening night of Audigier’s first nightclub venture in Las Vegas.

    Insiders said she had been invited and Audigier told reporters late last week that he was expecting Larson, George Clooney’s ex, on the red carpet for the christening of Christian Audigier the Nightclub at Treasure Island.

    Telephone and e-mail messages left for Twee Tran, who heads up Audigier’s celebrity relations, were not returned by deadline.

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    Without Jackson or Larson, the biggest stars on the red carpet were Audigier, French singing superstar Johnny Hallyday, Mariah Carey’s new husband, Nick Cannon, and “My Name is Earl” star Jaime Pressly.

    Cannon blazed down the carpet in record time, less than 60 seconds, on his way to deejaying at the nightclub, a partnership between Audigier, Pure Management Group and MGM Mirage.

    Also on the red carpet: Pressly’s deejay husband, Eric Cubeechee; Jeremy Jackson, perhaps best known for his role in “Baywatch” for his portrayal of David Hasselhoff’s son, Hobie Buchannon; actress Bai Ling and Damon Wayans.


    The Sarah Larson story is getting weirder.

    No one connected to French designer Christian Audigier has come forward to explain why Larson wasn’t at the opening of his same-named nightclub at Treasure Island on Friday.

    And now we’re hearing that she was in San Diego for the weekend. Her absence has fueled speculation that something’s amiss with her recent deal to become the face of Audigier’s clothing line.

    Meanwhile, the New York Post’s Page Six column reported that Larson underwent breast enlargement about the time that she and George Clooney split. Word is he advised her not to go through with it.

    CAN she milk this anymore or has the world of Fashion finally come to its senses? WAS she pissed he called her stiff and a newbie? and finally, does she have Norm on retainer or is he getting “benefits?”

  39. Hold up a minute!!!

    You mean an Emmy nominated actress, an singer/actor and a Wayans brother are less than Sarah Larson? WTF !!!!

    She probably didn’t show because of the comments Audigier made about her not being a natural or to milk more publicity off of it or she’s at Lake Como. :)
    If she showed who cares, she didn’t show she can get an extra day of publicity.

    A new chapter in my novel

    What if Cornish Game Hen = Jennifer Sims ( name rhymes)

    1. She met Clooney on set of Good German, he probably joked with her about how much she made as an extra. Hence all of that her station and financial situation talk. George gets friendly with all of the cast and crew.
    2. She met Grant Hevlov on the set as well, Grant is a producer of I believe 3 of the films or two. So he would have met her or saw her. Unsure if Clooney produced Ocean’s 13.
    3. He may have joked why he drank, I seriously doubt if he told her his life story.
    4. CGH always seem like she was trying to get George’s attention, more than tell a story.
    5. Always described the ONE as an up and comer… I guess an extra is an up and comer. While others who know a former love, states she is not interested in a film career.
    6. She knows their name , “Gennifer” of course, not hard to figure that one out, but the ONE isn’t interested in all of that. LOL :)
    7. She seems crazy, or am I the only one to think that.
    8. Magician , well Stan does look like a magician.
    9. Is blonde, Camp Clooney,” who don’t discuss clients personal life” was quick to shut down recent stories of George secretly seeing a blonde and went on record to say he was alone and getting work done.
    10. States he will be rewarded with her presence, sounds awfully cocky and crazy. I’m saying, he’s been through a lot of women since the Good German, I don’t think he’s thinking about her.
    11. Find it funny that she states she doesn’t like the publicity that goes with Clooney, but the ONE will be known and powerful. I guess she means the relationship would be meaningful.
    12. I guess his fans would be happy with a middle aged caucasian woman. God forbid he dates someone of mixed heritage again.
    13. Advice to Clooney, run honey, she’s looney.

    Okay that is my two cents, this book is going to be GREAT!!!

  40. This was a good article until the Larson part. The writer states ( I’m not sure if these were George Clooney’s words) that they tried to keep this relationship under wraps until the accident. Umm, he had her at the Venice premiere of Michael Clayton, where the photog came into the theatre to take a picture of Larson. Had her photographed at various events in Venice and leaving restaurants. Let’s not forget those shots in NYC, Premiere of Brad’s movie, all before the accident. Also he did an interview with Italian Vogue in August and he let Larson take photos with him for the magazine. I don’t see where they were keeping this under wraps. He’s still making excuses, just let this dead horse die. I’m taking bets that they hook up again after the family movie, any takers?


    So, on Friday night in Vegas, Sarah Larson was supposed to be at the opening of Christian Audigier’s nightclub there, which is named Christian Audiegier. Small penis anyone?

    Anyway, Sarah Larson, the former girlfriend of George Clooney who this weekend said it is really hard work to look sexy 24 hours a day, was at one point supposed to be the new face of Christian Audiegier’s clothing line. I don’t know if this was contingent on her putting out or a breast reduction or what, but I do know she was supposed to be in Vegas on Friday.

    Well, lo and behold Sarah wasn’t there. Nope. Instead she was in San Diego hiding out and instead of getting ready to be the new face of small penis dude, she instead is sitting in San Diego pregnant. I know, I know it does seem kind of odd that she would first get pregnant at all, and then second, that it would be that quick. I mean how heartbroken could she be if she is already knocked up with some guy’s baby, and third, it isn’t exactly like job offers are everywhere so you would think she would keep this one. I mean come on. The guy has a nightclub named after him. Those always work don’t they? I mean just ask Paris Hilton. Oh, what? Oh, it’s closing. Didn’t know that. Well, lets just pretend I didn’t write that last sentence and speculate as to why Sarah didn’t show up where the money is.

    Oh, unless she is pregnant by someone good or involved in a Verne Troyer 3some, I think this is the last of Sarah Larson.

    The guy that writes this blog is a “hollywood” entertainment lawyer.
    So, on Friday night in Vegas, Sarah Larson was supposed to be at the opening of Christian Audigier’s nightclub there, which is named Christian Audiegier. Small penis anyone?

    Anyway, Sarah Larson, the former girlfriend of George Clooney who this weekend said it is really hard work to look sexy 24 hours a day, was at one point supposed to be the new face of Christian Audiegier’s clothing line. I don’t know if this was contingent on her putting out or a breast reduction or what, but I do know she was supposed to be in Vegas on Friday.

    Well, lo and behold Sarah wasn’t there. Nope. Instead she was in San Diego hiding out and instead of getting ready to be the new face of small penis dude, she instead is sitting in San Diego pregnant. I know, I know it does seem kind of odd that she would first get pregnant at all, and then second, that it would be that quick. I mean how heartbroken could she be if she is already knocked up with some guy’s baby, and third, it isn’t exactly like job offers are everywhere so you would think she would keep this one. I mean come on. The guy has a nightclub named after him. Those always work don’t they? I mean just ask Paris Hilton. Oh, what? Oh, it’s closing. Didn’t know that. Well, lets just pretend I didn’t write that last sentence and speculate as to why Sarah didn’t show up where the money is.

    Oh, unless she is pregnant by someone good or involved in a Verne Troyer 3some, I think this is the last of Sarah Larson.

    (if she says Clooney, even is she doesn’t any bets on him demanding a paternity test?)


    Although she was spotted at Tao on Friday night….

    Monday, July 07, 2008
    Sarah Larson Pregnant?

    So, on Friday night in Vegas, Sarah Larson was supposed to be at the opening of Christian Audigier’s nightclub there, which is named Christian Audiegier. Small penis anyone?

    Anyway, Sarah Larson, the former girlfriend of George Clooney who this weekend said it is really hard work to look sexy 24 hours a day, was at one point supposed to be the new face of Christian Audiegier’s clothing line. I don’t know if this was contingent on her putting out or a breast reduction or what, but I do know she was supposed to be in Vegas on Friday.

    Well, lo and behold Sarah wasn’t there. Nope. Instead she was in San Diego hiding out and instead of getting ready to be the new face of small penis dude, she instead is sitting in San Diego pregnant. I know, I know it does seem kind of odd that she would first get pregnant at all, and then second, that it would be that quick. I mean how heartbroken could she be if she is already knocked up with some guy’s baby, and third, it isn’t exactly like job offers are everywhere so you would think she would keep this one. I mean come on. The guy has a nightclub named after him. Those always work don’t they? I mean just ask Paris Hilton. Oh, what? Oh, it’s closing. Didn’t know that. Well, lets just pretend I didn’t write that last sentence and speculate as to why Sarah didn’t show up where the money is.

    Oh, unless she is pregnant by someone good or involved in a Verne Troyer 3some, I think this is the last of Sarah Larson.

  44. new kid has probably posted this link already, but thought I’d add it just in case!!

    The “unidentified friend” is Tate Donovan. Same hat as the other pics of George riding with Tate.

    One comment noted that they think the entire article is bogus because George was quoted as using the word “cooker” instead of “stove.” Apparently, cooker is used in England. Either they word was changed for a British version of the magazine so that British readers would understand his comment or they just made up that part.

    I did think some of the comments were funny though. The 4 hours in the bathroom comment sounds like something George would say.

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